Interview with Designer Marcin Lobacz

Interview with Designer Marcin Lobacz

He presented the catwalk show of his first collection at 15 and since the age of 17, he has created bespoke outfits under his own name for private clients, including stars of the Metropolitan Opera New York, the Royal Opera House Covent Garden London and the Deutsche Oper Berlin. Simultaneously, he has worked with other designers, such as Julien MacDonald, Philipp Treacy and Jacques Azagury. He took part in creating outfits for Cher, Rihanna and Kylie Minogue,…

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Betty Amrhein – Fashionweek BERLIN

Betty Amrhein – Fashionweek BERLIN

Servus, heute darf ich Euch meine liebe Freundin Betty Amrhein vorstellen, einigen von Euch wird Ihr  Name ein Begriff sein Betty Amrhein Sie ist eine Koryphäe auf Ihrem Gebiet. Ich liebe Ihre Arbeit sie…

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